Start date: 20240715

End date: 20240719

Location: Catania

Under the Patronage of the SINS

The recent advances in understanding memory physiology and dementia offer hope for individuals with cognitive decline. The Catania International Summer School of Neurosicence 2024, “From Memory to Dementia: Advancements in Physiology and Treatment Hope,” aims to address these complexities by convening leading experts in both basic and clinical fields of memory and dementia research. Topics such as cellular physiology, brain imaging, genetics, and pharmacogenetics will be explored, with a focus on advancing our comprehension of dementia, including sex and gender differences in Alzheimer’s disease, and identifying novel treatment avenues. By fostering collaboration and innovation, the school endeavors to address the pressing medical needs in dementia care, offering hope for improved outcomes and quality of life for affected individuals.

The Catania International Summer School of Neuroscience has always attracted attendees from Europe interested in the most appealing topics in Neuroscience and Neuropsychopharmacology. The Catania International Summer School of Neurosicence 2024 is entitled “From Memory to Dementia: Advancements in Phsyiology and Treatment Hope”. During the CISSN, 13 lectures of 90 min (including 30-min discussion) will be delivered by experts from among the best in the field of brain diseases and neuropsychology.

The CISSN is aimed at international and Italian PhD students, Post-Doctoral fellows, residency students in pharmacology, psychiatry, and neurology who are interested in Neuroscience. The students will have the opportunity to engage in collaborative work with international scholars, such as writing a grant application in the field of memory and dementia.

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