SINS Patronage Application Regulations
1.1. This regulation outlines the criteria and procedures for granting Patronage and the use of the logo of the Italian Society for Neuroscience – SINS (hereinafter referred to as “SINS”) for initiatives and events of significant cultural, scientific, social, and educational value, both nationally and internationally. These initiatives should be promoted by public and/or private entities and align with the scientific and cultural interests as well as the statutory objectives of SINS.
2.1. Patronage is a recognition of appreciation and moral support for initiatives of social, cultural, or scientific relevance, consistent with the institutional and statutory purposes of SINS.
2.2. Unless explicitly agreed otherwise, Patronage is provided free of charge and does not involve any financial obligations or service provisions by SINS, nor does it entail participation in the organizational expenses of sponsored events.
2.3. The duration of Patronage is restricted to the specific event and cannot be automatically or tacitly extended to other related initiatives, even if organized by the same entity. Any extension or additional event requires a new Patronage application.
2.4. Patronage is demonstrated through the use of SINS’ name and logo in the event’s promotional materials (both physical and digital), in accordance with the provisions of article 7.
3.1. Patronage is granted for initiatives organized by SINS members or initiatives with at least one SINS member playing an active and significant role in the organizing committee. These initiatives should promote, directly or indirectly, the image or activities of SINS, or have a significant cultural, social, or scientific impact, consistent with SINS’ statutory principles. They must have a defined duration, be non-profit, and align with the organization’s objectives.
3.2. Initiatives mentioned in point 3.1 that are not organized by SINS members or do not involve SINS members can also receive Patronage. In this case, a contribution for the Patronage request of €200.00 will be required.
3.3. Examples of initiatives eligible for Patronage include:
• social, cultural, and scientific events aligned with SINS’ institutional purposes and interests;
• conferences, congresses, seminars, workshops, and other study and research initiatives, with a divulgative nature and explicit cultural and scientific purposes, in line with the areas of intervention and objectives of SINS
• charity events for fundraising.
3.4. Initiatives with commercial and profit-making purposes, not aligned with SINS’ institutional and statutory objectives, or promoted by political parties or movements for propaganda or fundraising purposes, are not eligible for Patronage.
3.4. SINS reserves the right to refuse or revoke Patronage at any time and without any obligations.
4.1. Patronage can only be granted to entities, whether public or private, institutions, and other organizations operating in the field of neuroscience, provided they maintain a reputation for integrity, reliability, authority, and credibility, and pursue social, cultural, or scientific purposes, without conflicts of interest with SINS.
4.2. Private entities with a distinguished reputation and prestige may also receive Patronage. In this case, a contribution of €200.00 will be required for the Patronage request.
5.1. Interested parties must submit a specific request for Patronage at least 60 days before the initiative’s start date.
5.2. The request must be submitted via the form below and must include the event’s comprehensive program and any promotional materials.
5.3. The SINS secretariat may request additional documentation if deemed necessary for the application’s evaluation.
6.1. Patronage is granted by the President of SINS based on the submitted documentation,, subject to approval by the SINS Govering Board.
6.2. The granting of Patronage is formalized through written communication to the applicant within 30 days of the application’s submission.
6.3. Acceptance of Patronage implies adherence to the rules and conditions outlined in this regulation.
7.1. Beneficiary entities are authorized to formally use SINS’ name and logo and acknowledge the Patronage by including the phrase “With the Patronage of the Italian Society for Neuroscience (SINS)” in all promotional materials.
7.2. If logo usage is approved, beneficiaries must adhere to the logo’s specifications (e.g., size, shape, colors). All promotional materials must be reviewed by SINS before publication. Beneficiary entities must submit drafts of initiative-related materials to the SINS secretariat for review. If discrepancies are found, SINS may request corrections or prohibit logo usage and Patronage acknowledgment.
7.3. Applicants must promptly inform SINS of any changes or variations to the event or approved promotional materials, allowing SINS to review the application.
8.1. SINS has the authority to conduct verifications – with the applicant’s cooperation – to ensure the compliance of initiatives with the Patronage regulations. SINS reserves the right to take appropriate measures in case of improper use based on article 10 and any legal prerogatives.
9.1. The granting of Patronage does not involve SINS in organizational or financial matters and absolves SINS of any direct, indirect, or associated liability related to the sponsored event, including culpa in vigilando, towards organizers, speakers, attendees, the public, or any third party.
9.2. Any civil, criminal, tax, administrative, or other liabilities arising from improper or unauthorized Patronage or logo usage are the sole responsibility of the applicant, who shall indemnify and hold SINS harmless from any claims by third parties.
10.1. Patronage may be revoked at any time at the President of SINS’ discretion through written communication.
10.2. SINS reserves the right to revoke Patronage if:
• the sponsored initiative fails to meet the regulations upon subsequent verifications;
• the beneficiary entity behaves contrary to the regulations;
• the event deviates from the approved program or damages SINS’ image.
10.3. Improper or unauthorized logo usage, in violation of the regulations, will result in Patronage revocation and prohibition of future Patronage for the entity. SINS may initiate protective actions for damages, including potential harm to its image.
10.4. In case of Patronage revocation, no claims for expense reimbursement or compensation, direct or indirect, can be made by the beneficiary or any involved parties.